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This function generates a summary data frame for the inner polygon of an x3p object.


  mask_col = "#FF0000",
  concavity = 1.5,
  b = 10,
  ifplot = FALSE



An x3p object representing a topographic scan.


A string representing the color to be used for the polygon.


A strictly positive number used in concaveman::concaveman to influence the shape of the polygon.


A positive integer representing the block size for x3ptools::x3p_average.


A Boolean flag indicating whether to save ggplot lists in the output attributes.


A data frame summarizing the inner polygon. The data frame includes the following columns:

  • x: The x coordinates from the x3p object.

  • y: The y coordinates from the x3p object.

  • value: The height values from the x3p object.

  • mask: The mask values from the x3p object.

  • n_neighbor_val_miss: The number of immediate neighbors, including the point itself, that are missing.

  • sd_not_miss: The standard deviation of the immediate neighbors that are not missing.


x3p <- x3p_subsamples[[1]]

insidepoly_df <- x3p_insidepoly_df(x3p, mask_col = "#FF0000", concavity = 1.5, b = 1, ifplot = TRUE)
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
#>  In argument: `n_discrete = ifelse(...)`.
#> Caused by warning:
#> ! 818 parsing failures.
#> row col expected actual
#>   1  -- a number    NaN
#>   2  -- a number    NaN
#>   3  -- a number    NaN
#>   4  -- a number    NaN
#>   5  -- a number    NaN
#> ... ... ........ ......
#> See problems(...) for more details.

attr(insidepoly_df, "x3p_plot")

attr(insidepoly_df, "number_of_missing_immediate_neighbors_plot")

attr(insidepoly_df, "standard_deviation_of_non_missing_immediate_neighbors_plot")

attr(insidepoly_df, "number_of_missing_immediate_neighbors_boxplot")
#> Warning: Removed 29548 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_boxplot()`).